Welcome to Finestay Group

Finestay Group is a non-political, non-profitable, non-govt., voluntary and charitable organization. It aims to establish, run and maintain vocational training institutions and traditional training center and research centre for promotion of education, science, literature and fine arts, formal and Non formal education. Community training on mother and child care, anti-smoking & anti-drug and narcotic control program, hygiene program, sanitation, HIV, AIDS and others communicable diseases get priority in our activity. We are providing emergency relief, extending humanitarian or charitable program in the event of any natural calamities for vulnerable community. We are also taking various programmes for small and medium cottage industry, social forestry, fisheries and agriculture to provide income generating activities for the ultar poor.

Rashid-Rowshan Foundation has extended its activities to acquaint the people with our literature & launched patho-shishu development program to facilitate human rights and social safety nets in society. Legal aid service, blood donation & vaccination are the regular program of this foundation.Rashid-Rowshan Foundation seeks to establish a society where all the people will be converted to a resource that can contribute to the development of Bangladesh.

Recent Activities

We are trying to present our recent nonprofitable activities. You can also check all the activities by clicking the "Our Activities" Menu.


Arrangement of food distribution and prayer mahfil in the orphanage on the occasion of death anniversary of Alhaj Maulvi Abdur Rashid Master

August 11, 2021 is the second death anniversary of Alhaj Maulvi Abdur Rashid Master. On this day in 2019, the day before the holy Eid-ul-Azha, he suddenly passed away.


Distribution of food items on the occasion of the 2nd death anniversary of Alhaj Abdur Rashid Master.

Distribution of food items on the occasion of the 2nd death anniversary of Alhaj Abdur Rashid Master. Mr. Alhaj Abdur Rashid Master passed away on 11 August 2019. May the Almighty God bless him with heaven.


Distribution of winter clothes among disadvantaged people on behalf of Rashid - Rowshan Foundation

Distribution of winter clothes among disadvantaged people on behalf of Rashid - Rowshan Foundation

Governing Body

The total number of Governing body of Rashid - Rowshan Foundation is 7 (Seven) including Chairman, Secretary, Treasury and 4 (four) members.

Contact Address


Mostofapur (Dema),

Bagerhat Sadar, Bagerhat-9300



